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Exercise and a healthy lifestyle will always push people away from sports nutrition. Some people believe that using protein supplements is a requirement if you want to grow muscle. Others feel that diet can be avoided. Both categories are somewhat correct: you need to add protein to your diet to grow muscle mass, and supplementation can help you do so. Let’s go through this in greater depth.
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Another question that is relevant for novice athletes is when to drink protein mixtures. There is a lot of conflicting information on this matter on the Web. If you take all of it into account, it turns out that you need to consume protein in the morning, in the evening, before training, after training – almost constantly. In reality, each of these recommendations is suitable for a specific purpose, and some of them are even myths. Let’s figure it out.
In the morning, some people who are losing weight are advised to drink protein. Many diets are based on protein foods: protein gives a long feeling of fullness, and it hardly gets stored in fat.
Everyone should eat protein at night. Even dinner, the rules of a healthy diet recommend protein. The fact is that muscles recover at night: for this, they need a building material, in the role of which protein acts. In addition, protein helps to avoid nightly overeating.
Training is a separate issue. When a person exercises, the muscles receive a load, as a result, microtraumas occur. This is normal, then the muscle fibres are restored. At the same time, glycogen stores are consumed – this is a substance that the human body synthesizes from carbohydrates. Glycogen is responsible for providing muscles with energy and accumulates in special depots: when a person is actively exercising, these depots gradually increase. As a result, both muscle and endurance levels grow. In addition to glycogen, amino acids are needed – their body just gets them from protein.
Before training. There is no point in exercising immediately after eating – it will be difficult and inconvenient, and the risk of gastrointestinal problems increases. It is better to train 2-3 hours after the last meal. And this meal is recommended to be made of protein: then the body will receive a sufficient number of amino acids. However, recent research suggests that the timing of protein intake is not as strongly associated with muscle growth as previously thought. The main thing is to reach the daily rate. Still, pre-workout protein doesn’t hurt. It helps you stay hungry and generally feel better. Therefore, a protein mixture 2-3 hours before physical activity is the best solution.
After workout. It is generally not recommended to eat during exercise. But when they are over, the person feels tired and hungry. Some people think that this is the time to drink protein. In fact, during this period, carbohydrates are more important: the body needs to replenish the spent glycogen stores. Protein is needed to repair and strengthen muscles, and this process does not start right away. Therefore, after training, it is recommended to drink not protein shakes, but gainers – these are supplements that contain both protein and complex carbohydrates. They will help you quickly replenish your spent energy reserves. Instead of gainers, ordinary carbohydrate foods are also suitable: cereals, fruits, or vegetables.
We recommend that you monitor your health, combine nutrition with exercise: this is the only way to achieve the desired effect. To get the best protein, visit MotorPoint website.