What are the Signs That Your Bra Is Not Fitting You?

Sometimes it is challenging for women to choose a bra. Such that it was beautiful, held the chest well, did not press anywhere, and did not rub. You try it on in the store – everything seems to be fine, but then it turns out that it’s actually not very good. Do you often face this problem? Something tells us […]

If You Have Lush Hips You Need To Do Some Style Corrections

No one is immune to style mistakes. It’s just that some can accept their own features of the figure, while others don’t know that this can be corrected even with clothes. Therefore, they continue to wear things that do not paint them at all. Let’s see the style mistakes are most often made by women with curvaceous hips. Avoid knee […]

What Types Of Autumn Dresses Should Plus-Size Ladies Opt For?

Do not believe it but the same model of dress can fit you in completely different ways. For example, these several models can both decorate the figure of a full girl and ruin it. Knitted dress Today, knitwear is one of the most popular, comfortable, and versatile materials for every day. Its significant advantages lie in pleasant tactile sensations, softness, […]

The Hair Bonding. Peculiarities, Advantages and Procedures

What is hair bonding? It is worth knowing everything about this fashionable procedure in order to decide exactly whether it is right for you. It is said that with the help of bonding, you can significantly lighten your hair without damaging it. Doesn’t it sound tempting? However, it is worth considering whether this is possible. Hair bonding – what is […]

The Trendiest Garments With Patch Pockets. What Should You Have?

The trend for things with patch pockets is with us for a long time, so you can safely introduce it into your wardrobes. Elegant jumpsuits and safari-style dresses coexist in designer collections with trendy trench coats and jackets with oversized pockets. What things with these practical details are worth paying attention to? Dress shirt The Colonial style shirt dress is […]