Spray Roses. Beautiful Base for Bride’s Bouquet

Spray Roses. Beautiful Base for Bride’s Bouquet

A delicate and elegant spray rose is the best choice for forming a bride’s bouquet. Miniature sizes, good endurance and a variety of shapes, shades of the palette make it possible to collect a truly elegant and stylish composition of flowers. The bride’s bouquet of spray roses will emphasize the exquisite and refined taste of the girl, which is so important on this solemn day. More about this beautiful flower read in this article.

Peculiarities and colours of the flower

The shade of the composition is a factor that deserves attention no less than the form and equipment. The colour is matched not only to the colour of the dress but also by the feeling. The most common colours of bridal bouquets of spray roses are the following.

White is a popular option that is complemented by floral greens. With its miniature size, it turns out to be beautiful, bright and rich in colour.

Pastel – this palette is associated with innocence, tenderness, and care for each other. Small buds form an original and at the same time stylish composition, which can be diluted with bright accent details.

Red – symbolizes a storm of emotions, passion, the inner strength of the bride, the deep feelings of the young. Such a bouquet will definitely be remembered at a wedding, since it will be able to set off, for example, lipstick on the lips, the general decor of the hall, if it is made in the same colour.

Warm peach, yellow, orange are contemporary and sophisticated variations that are most popular with brides.

Green and blue, blue, and purple roses deserve special attention. If assembled correctly, such an accessory will attract maximum attention and will be able to emphasize the whiteness of the wedding dress.

What flowers can be combined with a spray rose?

Spray rose – demanding flower. Combinations with wildflowers, lavender, violets, bells, orchids, lilies look elegant and stylish. One of the minimalistic, but at the same time simple and sophisticated solutions is a combination of flowers exclusively with floral greenery. Original combinations.

With white and coloured alstroemerias. In such a “duet”, each flower emphasizes the refinement and tenderness of another plant. At the same time, there is no need to dwell solely on contrasting solutions. Monochrome combinations look fashionable and unusual. Visually, alstroemeria resembles a miniature lily. a wide colour palette and a variety of shapes make it possible to assemble an elegant and unusual composition.

With irises and chrysanthemums. These sets are an alternative for summer weddings. If you settled on irises, then it is better to create a pastel set so that the bush rose is favourably set off in the general composition. Chrysanthemums, in their natural free form, create an almost equal ensemble, advantageously complementing the assembly of exclusive roses.

With peonies. One of the most delicate, elegant and sophisticated combinations. Regardless of whether you choose lush peonies or not, they will give a unique scent, help you create a unique composition. Additionally, you can use pearls or other accessories, with the help of which the bouquet will easily turn into a vintage. The classic is a combination of white and pink flowers with floral greenery.

The bride’s bouquet of small roses can be additionally decorated with a satin ribbon or pearls. Try not to oversaturate it with decor so that everything looks stylish and concise. As a decoration, you can use a detail that is equally repeated both on the outfit and in the hairstyle. For example, lace, brooches or hairpins. This will highlight the overall style.

To get beautiful and fresh spray roses, visit the Serenata Flowers website.



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