How to Distinguish the Speed of Your Internet Connection?
The reason why you decided to connect services as providers are not so important as the right choice of tariff and Internet speed. The first thing that all users see in the tariff cards is the speed parameters, which are indicated by Mbps. We tell you what this means and what should be considered when choosing a speed.
Before connecting the tariff, it is necessary to determine the number of devices connected to the Internet at one time and the number of users who will access the Internet.
We recommend choosing a speed depending on how you use the Internet: playing online, streaming, watching movies in 4K, or just chatting on social networks and periodically looking for something in a search engine.
The “golden rule” for choosing speed, the more devices and users simultaneously connect to the Internet, the faster the connection speed should be.
What is the Internet speed and why is it measured in Mbps?
Understanding the speed parameters can be difficult, especially if you are dealing with it for the first time. In order to make it clear to you in which cases 100 Mbps will be enough, and in which all 500 Mbps will be required, we tell you what speed is and why it is measured in Mbps.
In essence, the connection speed is the amount of data that is downloaded or transferred in 1 second. For example, when watching a video, the data is downloaded, and when sending an email, the data is sent. The speed will depend on what kind of data you are transmitting and receiving.
Texts on websites, photographs, music, games, films, and series are content, a set of files that has a certain weight. A bit is the smallest unit of measure for content; megabits per second (Mbps or Mbps) are used to measure Internet speed. 1024 bits = 1 kilobit (Kbit). 1024 kilobits = 1 megabit (Mbit).
All Internet providers use a similar value in their tariff plans – 50, 100, 250 Mbps, etc.
In order to determine the average speed at which data should be downloaded from the Internet, divide the Internet speed according to the tariff plan by 8 minutes.
But keep in mind that the provider indicates the maximum possible speed in the contract, in fact, it can be 10 Mbps less than the declared one due to various reasons.
What else is important to consider?
Be sure to check the specifications of the router and connected devices. It is important that the computer’s network adapter is suitable for speeds above 100 Mbps, and the router supports the speed of your tariff and meets the standards of new devices.
Equally important is the location of the router in the apartment. We recommend choosing a speed with a margin to ensure a more stable connection.
You can connect high-speed tariffs from reliable provider on the Hyperoptic website. You can choose the most favorable rate and get connected right away.