Fight the Depression With Perfect Daylight Therapy SAD Lamp
Many people are familiar with the state when they don’t want to get out from under the covers, but they only have enough strength to watch the series on the couch. And the reason is not only that the street is uncomfortable, cold and damp. Shortened daylight hours and lack of sunlight also put the body into hibernation. Serotonin levels drop and we feel lethargic, tired, and sleep-deprived. This condition is called seasonal depression, SAD (seasonal affective disorder), and it is accompanied by symptoms similar to ordinary depression: fatigue, lack of interest in life, sleep problems, or, conversely, excessive sleepiness, and sometimes a feeling of hopelessness and despair.
Now many people are spending more time indoors than ever before, and the city cycle is further reducing daylight hours, so light therapy has become one of the methods to combat the lack of light. We decided to tell you in what cases it works and how to use lighting devices so that they are beneficial and help fight blues and apathy.
How do light therapy lamps work?
Special lamps help to restore the normal circadian rhythm of the body in order to control the symptoms of a lack of serotonin, which manifests itself in the form of seasonal blues. Sunlight mimics are considered one of the first aids in the fight against seasonal affective disorder, and there are dozens of such devices on the market today, ranging from pocket sizes to super-powerful ones, capable of illuminating a large area. Such lamps emit from 2,500 to 10,000 lux (a measure of the intensity of light), which is a hundred times brighter than ordinary home lighting. The more powerful the lamp, the less time it will take for its effect, that is, for a light therapy session.
SAD lamp
A flicker-free, UV-free daylight fixture improves well-being and uplifts mood during the dark winter months. This compact lamp can be taken with you to the office or on a business trip. The illumination intensity is about 10,000 lux in a radius of about 10 cm.
How to use light therapy devices correctly?
The light intensity level should be 10,000 lux, if the intensity of the radiation is less, then it will take more time to act.
The fixture should provide a full spectrum of bright white light, but block ultraviolet rays.
The light source must be installed at eye level or higher. The position and distance of your light box relative to your eyes are important as it should simulate being outdoors in the sun.
The device with an intensity of 10,000 lux should be placed at a distance of about 60 cm from the eyes. If the source is weaker, this means that you will need to sit closer to it.
You need to use the light device in the morning from 20 to 60 minutes, depending on your individual needs. If sessions of 20-30 minutes did not help at all, the time can be gradually increased.
We hope this information was useful and you found out something new and interesting. If you are looking fir such device as SAD lamp, just visit the JD Williams website.