Essential Accessory for Sports Activities – Water Bottle

Essential Accessory for Sports Activities – Water Bottle

During training, the athlete actively loses water, which is released through perspiration and evaporates from the surface of a heated body. Doctors think that the body reacts slowly to moisture loss. The body has already lost 1% of its moisture at the time of thirst, and hence its efficiency has diminished substantially. As a result, during strenuous sports activities, it is critical to replenish water reserves without waiting for a thirsty feeling. A sports water bottle now assists the athlete in this. Let’s see why it is really needed.

The reasons to get sports water bottle

Someone may wonder why they should acquire a particular sports bottle for water. Isn’t it sufficient to simply purchase bottled water? Of sure, you can do that. However, there are other factors in favor of purchasing a sports bottle.

Significant cost savings. You don’t have to rush to the shop before each workout and spend money on water because you paid a tiny amount once. Furthermore, for many of us, the water is free – many of us have decent water in the water supply system, and someone gets water for drinking from a nearby spring. Pour it into a fitness bottle and you’re ready to go.

A large assortment of beverages is available. You may fill your own bottle at home with anything from simple water to isotonic or juice. While shopping, the options are restricted to water in a bottle or juice in a box, and isotonic drinks are not available in every sports store.

Safety and hygiene. Of course, a store-bought water bottle can be used, but this is not the ideal solution. First and foremost, it is intended to be disposable. Nobody knows what compounds its plastic will leak over time or what microorganisms could gather under the tiny neck. Second, it is intended for pure water, not juice, isotonic, or other beverages. The sports water bottle is made of durable materials and has an appealing form.

Ease of use. A sports drink bottle is much more convenient. It has a convenient shape for holding in the hand, a wide neck for washing and pouring drinks, many models have a special valve for drinking so as not to unscrew the lid. In many models, the lid is connected to the bottle with a strap, and it will not be lost.

It is very difficult to find one bottle for all occasions. If you sometimes go to fitness or just jog in the morning, and at the same time you sweat quite a bit, then you will hardly need a lot of water. In this case, buy a sports bottle with a volume of 300 or 500 ml – it will be more convenient to hold it, and it weighs less, and there will be enough water. Well, if you are a powerful athlete who is engaged in strength training three times a week, during which sweat pours from you in a stream, besides weighing 120 kilograms, then you should take a closer look at a bigger bottle – 1.5-2 litres will be just right.

So, if you have not yet decided for yourself which sports water bottles you should buy, then we recommend visiting the Jungle Culture website to choose your perfect accessory.



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